Tuesday, March 08, 2016

TNGOP Releases Total Presidential Delegate Allocations

Press release, Tenn.-March 8, 2016--The Tennessee Republican Party has released the final delegate allocations based on the unofficial results of the 2016 Presidential Preference Primary.

Tennessee is responsible for awarding 58 total delegates to the candidates who crossed the 20% threshold at either the statewide or congressional level in the state. These allocations are based on the unofficial at-large vote tallies and congressional tallies released by the Tennessee Secretary of State. The results will be certified over the next month.

At-Large Delegates 
Donald J. Trump: 15
Ted Cruz: 10
Marco Rubio: 6

Congressional District 1 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 2 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Marco Rubio: 1

Congressional District 3 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Marco Rubio: 1

Congressional District 4 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 5 
 Donald J. Trump: 2
Marco Rubio: 1

Congressional District 6 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 7 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 8 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Congressional District 9 
Donald J. Trump: 2
Ted Cruz: 1

Total Delegate Allocations: 
Donald J. Trump: 33
Ted Cruz: 16
 Marco Rubio: 9

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes stated, "Over the next week, delegates and alternates who were elected will be contacted directly by the Tennessee Republican Party. We look forward to welcoming these individuals to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this July." The full slate of delegates to the Republican National Convention will be confirmed by the State Executive Committee of the TNGOP on Saturday, April 2nd.

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