Wednesday, April 13, 2016

2nd Vote Identifies Alternative to PayPal

“When PayPal joined the misinformation campaign about North Carolina’s efforts to protect small business owners and people of faith, 2nd Vote wanted to make sure conservatives knew that this company did not align with their values on very important issues,”
Press release from 2nd Vote- In light of e-commerce giant PayPal’s (2nd Vote score: 2.4 - Lean Liberal) advocacy against common sense protections for small businesses and religious liberty in North Carolina, 2nd Vote has added a new company to its scoring database as an alternative option for payment processing.
ProPay, Inc. is a financial services company based in Lehi, Utah that specializes in payment processing and other payment-related products. In 2012, ProPay was acquired by Total System Services, Inc.
After assessing ProPay’s record of advocacy on the issues, 2nd Vote has given the company a score of 3.6 (Lean Conservative). Below is a breakdown of ProPay’s positions on the issues that 2nd Vote scores:
Life - Conservative (5): ProPay’s parent company, Total System Services, Inc., is a corporate partner of the Salvation Army, a Pro-Life organization.
Marriage - Conservative (5): ProPay’s parent company, Total System Services, Inc. is a corporate partner of the Salvation Army, an organization that affirms traditional marriage
2nd Amendment - Lean Liberal (2): While ProPay has not explicitly advocated on 2nd Amendment issues, the company does not allow payment processing for firearm purchases.
Education - Neutral (3): ProPay has remained neutral on the issues of Common Core and School Choice
Environment - Neutral (3): ProPay has remained neutral on Environmental issues.
“When PayPal joined the misinformation campaign about North Carolina’s efforts to protect small business owners and people of faith, 2nd Vote wanted to make sure conservatives knew that this company did not align with their values on very important issues,” said 2nd Vote Executive Director Lance Wray. “We’ve seen conservatives engage PayPal through social media platforms because they understand the need to hold corporations accountable for their advocacy.”
2nd Vote’s research team found no evidence of ProPay advocating for, or against, RFRA type legislation, SOGI laws or so-called “Bathroom Bills”.
“Many small businesses, as well as non-profits, use online payment processing services, and, from day one, what’s going on in North Carolina has been about small business,” added Wray. “We think that ProPay provides a service that small business owners should look at adopting because they can be comfortable that the costs to them and to their consumers won’t support anti-religious liberty advocacy.”
More information on the research behind the score or ProPay and PayPal can be found on the scorepage at
About 2nd Vote
2nd Vote is a resource for helping consumers make better-informed decisions about where to spend their money. 2nd Vote conducts extensive research on multiple issues to shed light on the various support that companies and non-profits give to specific issues that are important to those who follow public policy. The free app is available as an Apple, Android, Web and Kindle app. Follow 2nd Vote on Twitter @2ndvote and on Facebook at

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