Thursday, April 21, 2016

Breitbart picks up TN GOP controversy story: Growing Grassroots Anger at GOP Establishment in Tennessee

Growing Grassroots Anger at GOP Establishment in Tennessee

by Michael Patrick Leahy, Breitbart News, April 21,2016 - Controversy is threatening to bring an early end to the regime of thirty-year-old Ryan Haynes, who was named chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party in April 2015.

.. Breitbart News asked Tennessee Republican Party executive director Brent Leatherwood if Chairman Haynes had received the April 18 letter and whether he was going to terminate Walker Ferrell.

“Chairman Haynes considers all these individuals good friends and he would in no way allow his staff to be involved in their legislative primaries. In fact, TNGOP bylaws prohibit that from occurring. It hasn’t happened and it never will,” Leatherwood responded by email.
“Voters decide who the nominees are and we work with those individuals to beat Democrats,” he added.

Leatherwood said Haynes would not terminate Ferrell.  “Mr. Ferrell is a valuable member of our staff. Per our bylaws, no staff member is involved in any legislative primary, therefore no action is necessary,” Leatherwood subsequently told Breitbart News. (link)

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