Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Budget and Finance Committee meeting of 4/5/2016. The Farmers Market money pit is discussed. Move Farmers to Fairground?

I don't watch every B&F meeting, but I watch them when I think there is an item on  the agenda that will generate conversation.  Often the B&F committee meetings are much more interesting and enlightening than the actual Council meetings.

The first item under discussion, at the start of the video, is RESOLUTION NO. RS2016-172. This  appropriates $3,347,400 split between different departments to provide money to those departments that was not originally in their budget. Council members Sherri Weiner, Bob Mendes, Steve Glover, Jacobia Dowell, and others ask good questions of Farmers Market. I thought the explanation of why the Farmers Market continues to lose money was pretty lame and apparently so did several of the council members. One of the best suggestions I have heard is from Jacobia Dowell who voices it from the chamber in this video and I that I also heard from a couple of council members I met with today, and that is, that the farmers market be relocated to the Fair Grounds. One problem with the location of the farmers market is that it only has a little over a hundred parking spaces.  On a weekend, people can't find parking now, so their is not much way to increase traffic if people can't find a place to park.  Council members are in a tough spot on this bill. The money has already been spend and it the Council doesn't approve it, they can't get that money back.  I don't know the consequences and having an account that does not balance. If some one is reading this who know what happens if he money is not appropriated could enlighten me, I would appreciate it.

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