Monday, April 11, 2016

Fraud and corruption and mismanagement at the Airport

by Anita Wadhwani and Nate Rau, The Tennessean, April ll, 2016 - Former Metro Nashville Airport Authority official John T. Howard was sentenced on Monday to two years in federal prison and ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution stemming from charges of money laundering, wire fraud and accepting a bribe.

Howard’s sentencing comes one week after an airport contractor who allegedly joined in on the scheme was charged with conspiracy. .... contractors would return a portion of the payments from the airport to him. (link)

Ex-airport executive pleads guilty to $1.1 million fraud

Consultant's report slams Nashville Airport Authority, calls for culture change 

The Airport Authority has grown top heavy, according to the Greeley Pond report. About 10 percent of its 290-person workforce is senior-level managers.

The Airport Authority also has not been forward-thinking.

The airport has no formal plan for adding new air services, according to the report.

“It became clear that the organization and its interactions were the result of its past 28-year history which caused the organization to become stove-piped, uncooperative internally and operating one year at a time in reactive mode, that is, more like a government bureaucracy than a proactive business enterprise,” the report said.(link)

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