Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tennessee Pastors Network Challenges Lawmakers on "Bathroom Bill."

Petition Effort Gaining Momentum

Press release, NASHVILLE, TN -The Tennessee Pastors Network today announced that it has made great strides in bringing the concerns of thousands of Tennessee voters to Legislative Plaza.  These actions stem from legislation being considered this week by several Committees on SB2387 by Sen. Mike Bell (R-Riceville) and HB2414 by Rep. Susan Lynn (R-Mt. Juliet).

The bill would require students in Tennessee schools to use bathrooms and lockers rooms that correspond to their determined sex noted on their birth certificates.  Opposition has arisen from LGBT groups demanding students be able to use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the student’s “feelings” about which sex he/she is.

“People across Tennessee are enraged that our elected officials have to spend valuable time debating such a subject,” said Tennessee Pastors Network President Dale Walker of Sparta.  “In addition, they cannot believe that any Tennessee lawmaker would consider placing the vast majority of students at risk.”

Pastor Walker has led a delegation of concerned ministers and concerned citizens to meet with lawmakers ever since this legislation was brought forward.  This issue is engaging the citizens to sign petitions in support of this bill in large numbers.

Pastor Walker continued, “Tennessee lawmakers may need to be reminded that it’s the citizens that go to the polls to vote their values and not corporations bullying our state. Our lawmakers need to know beyond a reasonable doubt that that Tennessee citizens will not tolerate this kind of dangerous situation for our children.”

He concluded, “Lawmakers are on the record as saying that they are not hearing anything from constituents. Tennesseans need to be reaching out by phone, email and text to their elected Representatives and Senators and letting them know their individual concerns about these dangerous encroachments into our state.”

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