Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The coming Republican demographic disaster

By 2044 America will be a minority majority in this country and minorities are not voting Republicans. I have a hard time being optimistic.  I do not think we should change our values to win elections.  If we win elections by being Democrat-lite, what is the point? We could do a better job of selling our message and increase out reach but the fact is they may simply not be buying what we are sellingthreather

We may have to face the fact that the best days of America are behind us.  Weakness in the face of foreign threats and a weakened America that no longer demands respect may be the future of the world.  We can expect Russian expansionism in Europe and Chinese expansionism in Asia.  Obama's retreat in the middle East left fertile ground for the growth of Islamic terrorism and we can expect that to continue. Since 9-11 we have only seen small scale attacks in America by lone wolf actors. I expect it to get much worse.  Obama and John Kerry cut the  deal with Iran, releasing $150 billion in frozen assets and paving the way for Iran to development a nuclear weapons capacity and terrorism sponsorship. That deal cannot end well and under a Hillary Clinton presidency, we can almost be assured that the course will not be reversed. As our allies realized we are not a trustworthy partner we can expect them to cut deals with our adversaries and we can expect nuclear proliferation.

Americans who vote for Democrats however, do not see the consequences of American weakness and disengagement, the way I do.  They view American engagement in the World as meddling in other peoples business and think that if we will only be nice, countries like North Korea and Iran will be nice. 

On the domestic front, I see no turn around in our policies under a Democrat and only a worsening situation.  Obamacare is failing, but if Democrats again control the Congress, instead of market reforms, we will see "reform" of Obamacare that further nationalizes health care and government control.  The clamor to forgive student debt and make college free will continue

 Nearly six-in-ten Hispanics are Millennials or younger
The above title does not speak to just the next presidential election when no doubt Hillary Clinton will likely win over Donald Trump by a landslide, should Trump be the nominee; the above speaks to the long range trend of the electorate. The Republican Party has become the party of old white men (and old white women), and the trends to do bode well. 

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