Tuesday, April 05, 2016

The winning, losing bills from the Tennessee legislature

The below is from an Associated Press new story published in The Tennessean. This is just a small edited portion of the list. To see it all, follow this link

GUNS IN PARKS: Stripping local governments of power to ban people with handgun carry permits from being armed in parks. HB0995.
COMMON CORE: Rebranding Common Core education standards and establishing a review mechanism. HB1035.
ABORTION CLINICS: Requires facilities or physician offices to be licensed as ambulatory surgical treatment centers.
ABORTION-INFORMED CONSENT: Requires informed consent and a 48-hour waiting period before an abortion.
CITIZENSHIP TEST: Making it a requirement to pass a U.S. citizenship test to gain high school diploma. HB0010.
LIFETIME CARRY PERMITS: Creating $500 lifetime handgun carry permit. SB0700.
TEACHER POLITICS: Barring teachers from engaging in political campaigning during work hours. TRAFFIC CAMERAS: Banning most speed cameras after current contracts expire. SB1128.


SCHOOL VOUCHERS: Creating a limited school voucher program in Tennessee.
TUITION EQUALITY: Offering in-state tuition to non-citizens who are lawfully present in the United States.
ABORTION ULTRASOUNDS: Requiring clinics to either display or describe ultrasounds to women seeking abortions.
PARENT TRIGGER: Making it easier for parents to convert struggling public schools into charter schools.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Requiring schools to offer physical education classes to K-5 students.

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