Saturday, April 02, 2016

TNGOP Confirms Final Slate of 2016 Convention Delegates. Here is the list

At a meeting of the State Executive Committee of the Tennessee Republican Party today, the Executive Committee approved the final slate of delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention by a vote of 40-25. Based on the results of the March 1st presidential preference primary, the delegates were allocated as follows: 

  • Donald Trump - 33 delegates 
  • Ted Cruz - 16 delegates 
  • Marco Rubio - 9 delegates 
Under Tennessee state law, delegates are bound to their respective candidate for first two rounds of balloting at the convention.. For the vote confirming the delegate list to be 40 to 25 there must have been some discord at the meeting. Since most of the delegates are elected, about the only thing that could be cause for discord is the 14 at-large delegates appointed by the RNC. While they must vote as pledged for the first two rounds of voting, they may not necessarily be loyal to the candidate for whom they are pledged.  If I learn more about what when on at the meeting I will update. To learn more about the delegate selection process, see A Primer on the 2016 Tennessee Republican National Convention Delegate Selection process.  If any one was at the meeting and would like to enlighten me about what happened, please contact me at

Here is the approved list of delegates:

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