Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tennessee Delegation Elects Convention Chair & Committee Members

TNGOP Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.-April 28, 2016— The Republican delegation from Tennessee met today to elect the Convention Chairman for the delegation as well as elect committee members for the four standing committees of the Republican National Convention.

The results are as follows:
  • Chairman - State Senator Mae Beavers
  • Credential Committee - Linda Buckles and Chris Hughes
  • Permanent Organization Committee - Beth Campbell and Chad Blackburn
  • Platform Committee - Connie Hunter and Ambassador Victor Ashe
  • Rules Committee - Betty Cannon and John Ryder
Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes remarked, "I am so pleased to serve alongside all of our delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention. I'd like to personally congratulate Senator Beavers and the rest of our newly-elected committee members."
The responsibilities of the committees are:
Committee on Credentials
The Credentials Committee will receive the credentials of each delegate filed in accordance with the Rules and submit the temporary roll of the convention, which will have been previously reviewed by the RNC.  The Credentials Committee may hear and resolve appeals to the ruling of any contest adjudicated by the RNC Committee on Contests as to the seating of delegates to the convention.

Committee on Permanent Organization
The RNC Chairman recommends a number of convention officers, including the Permanent and Temporary Chairmen, the Secretary and the Sergeant-at-Arms.  The Permanent Organization Committee will meet at the beginning of the convention to review the slate and make its recommendation to the convention.
Committee on the Platform
The Committee on the Platform submits resolutions to the full convention body to be voted on as the official platform.  The Republican Platform is a formal declaration of the principles of the Republican Party.
Committee on Rules and Order of Business
The Convention Rules Committee will draft the rules for the 2016 Republican National Convention, which must be adopted by a majority vote of the full convention body.

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