Sunday, May 08, 2016

1st Tuesday talks Titans

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY Members and Friends !!

Its been a volatile political 2016 already...AND... The National Convention in July is coming on fast !

When Rev. Franklin Graham scheduled his Mega-event for Legislative Plaza on our typical date to meet, we had to reschedule our May event. Waller could only offer us Monday, May 9th.

As fate would have it... Monday May 9th comes just after NFL DRAFT !!!

 I am proud to announce that new TENNESSEE TITANS General Manger Jon Robinson has agreed to address 1ST TUESDAY next Monday! What a great way to take a timely break from politics ... AND... meet the leadership of our world renowned TENNESSEE TITANS !

Wanna hear more about....
1.....''The Fleecing of FISHER ''.... swapping the #1 pick to the RAMS ?
2.... What goes into a deal while the clock is ticking during the draft ?
3.... How did Mr. Robinson know to jump up and make deal with Cleveland? [word is at least 1 or 2 other teams would have taken the guy the TITANS drafted! ]
4.... What prompted him to draft Alabama's Heisman Trophy winner ?
5.... What will the TITANS being doing in Nashville under his leadership they were not doing before he arrived?
6.... What is currently going on with Stadium? What do the TITANS want from the City of Nashville?

AS YOU CAN TELL.... there is a lot to see and hear at lunch on Monday, May 9th at 1ST TUESDAY !!!!

Expect some special guests as well ! Make plans to join us at Waller Law, 511 Union Street !! Lunch is $20 Members and $25 for Guests.

Visit the website at 1st Tuesday Nashville and click on ''Join Us'' While you're there, make sure to visit the sites of our website Sponsors ! [Servis First Bank, Ngage Marketing, Jim Kennedy Sales & Leasing and more!] This is a GREAT event to introduce 1ST TUESDAY to some friends. Please... pass the word and bring friends ! See you on Monday, May 9th !!

Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY.

Please note that I am posting this late for a lunch tomorrow, so you might want to email Tim at and see if lunch is still available. Rod 

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