Tuesday, May 17, 2016

26 Tennessee senators call on Haslam to join North Carolina lawsuit over transgender bathrooms

by Joel Ebert, The Tennessean - Tennessee lawmakers on Monday began formulating and expressing their own opposition to the federal government's recently announced directive to the nation's public schools indicating that they must allow transgender students to use the restrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity.

Legislators' efforts included 26 senators sending a letter to Gov. Bill Haslam expressing concern about the directive, as well as initiating steps to ask Attorney General Herbert Slatery to allow Tennessee to take the issue to court.

In the Senate, the group of lawmakers sent Haslam a letter, which included signatures from every Republican in the chamber with the exception of Steve Dickerson, R-Nashville, and Doug Overbey, R-Maryville, that outlined their opposition to the federal government while expressing support for the governor. .... In their letter, the Tennessee senators said the Obama administration's guidance "must not only be stopped, but exposed as a reckless post-constitutional approach to our government." (link)

My Comment:  I think the issue itself has been blown way out of proportion. A child will probably never encounter a transgendered person in their bathroom if this directive stands.  Probably realizing that the issue is blown out of proportion, law makers are using a different argument saying male pedophiles will pose as transgender to gain access to girls bathrooms to molest little girls. I doubt it. That is a stretch. I do share the outrage however over the unconstitutional blackmail of state governments and think Tennessee should join North Carolina, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas in their lawsuit.

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