Thursday, May 05, 2016

40th annual TN GOP Statesmen’s Dinner May

Dear Friend,
It’s not too late to reserve your seat at the 40th annual Statesmen’s Dinner with Governor Nikki Haley.  Governor Haley will be joined by Governor Bill Haslam, Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker, and members of Tennessee’s state and federal delegations. This year’s dinner will also include a tribute to the late Senator Fred Thompson.
The dinner is Friday, May 13th at the Music City Center in Nashville. Receptions begin at 5:30, and the dinner program begins at 6:30.
For information or to purchase tickets, please contact Anna McDonald at 615-269-4260 or
Thank you for your support of our Republican candidates!
Ryan Haynes
PS: If you've already purchased tickets, we look forward to seeing you there!
I don't think I am going to attend. I may but, I don't think so. I just can't get in the mood.  I am not exactly boycotting the Tennessee Republican Party, but I just can't get very excited  about attending. I don't like the practice of people who are supposed to be working to advance the goals of the Party using their position to advance their own financial interest which hurt the Party.  This applies to husband and wife team of Walker and Taylor Ferrell, one of whom is soliciting clients to hire her to help them defeat incumbent Republicans  while the other is the Political Director of the Party. In my view that stinks.

My displeasure with the Party for have people in official position in the Party who engage in slimy double dealing and dual loyalty also includes Mark Winslow who is an elected member of the SEC with access to party information and a vote on how much to fund Republican office seekers, yet gets paid to help a Democrat win an election against a Republican.  In both cases I do not believe you can serve two masters. I was about ready to just ignore the revolting situation of Winslow and attend this annual fund raiser anyway, then the news of the equally slimy situation of Walker and Taylor Ferrel arose.

I think I will just stay home.

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