Saturday, May 07, 2016

Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Committee workshop set for Monday May 16th

The Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Committee invites all interested stakeholders to their second workshop to discuss proposed legislation to preserve and provide workforce and affordable housing. The workshop is scheduled for
Monday, May 16 at 5:30
in the Jury Assembly Room in the Metro Courthouse
The committee members have been working on companion bills to BL2016-133 (the inclusionary zoning bill introduced in February) to ensure that the whole picture of affordability is addressed. These include:

* Resolution calling for a comprehensive plan to look at the full range of issues
* Ordinance to expand the options for using PILOT for housing funding
* Ordinance to create a grants program to provide incentives for inclusionary zoning
* Ordinance to expand the responsibilities of the Barnes Fund Commission and provide a process for reporting regularly to the Metro Council
The objective of the meeting will be to present information about each of the companion bills and to gather feedback on the latest revision of BL2016-133.

For more information, follow this link.

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