Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Amid controversy Wilson Co. GOP cancels June 7th Reagan Day Dinner

The June 7th Reagan Day Dinner, Wilson County GOP's  largest annual party gathering and fundraiser, has been canceled amid conflict between the campaign of Joe Carr who is running against Diane Black for her U.S. House of Representatives seat, Representative Diane Black, and State Senator Mark Green. Green was scheduled to be the key note speaker and Diane Black and Joe Carr were also scheduled to speak.  Apparently someone from the Carr campaign said that Green said he would not speak if Diane Black was going to speak and someone representing Carr said Carr would not speak if Green did not speak. Mark Green denied that he ever said he would not speak if Diane Black was going to speak.

Here is more on the story:
The Tennessean: Wilson Co. GOP Reagan Dinner cancellation rankles Republicans
Nashville Post: Candidate spat kills Wilson County Republican event, AP story: Black-Green-Carr spat cancels county GOP fundraiser

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