Wednesday, May 25, 2016

FACT President Commends Attorney General for Lawsuit

Press Release, FRANKLIN, Tenn. (May 25, 2016) – The following statement regarding the decision of Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery to join the lawsuit filed by the state of Texas and eight other states over Title IX can be attributed to FACT President David Fowler:

“Attorney General Slatery is to be applauded for taking affirmative action in response to the attempt by the Obama administration to use Title IX to tell parents that their children have to be exposed to a member of the opposite sex while in a state of undress. His office is doing exactly what it should be doing, fighting to protect the rights of parents to protect their children’s privacy and the right of our state to set its own domestic policies.

“It is particularly encouraging to see ten states joining North Carolina in suing the Obama administration for its outrageous overreach in using a mere ‘letter’ to change the law as it’s been interpreted for decades. This is the kind of unified pushback against the federal government that has been needed for years.

“With the Attorney General’s action today, the need for a special session to encourage the type of action that has been taken has been abated. Hopefully, the lawsuit will allow our state’s schools to operate in accordance with Title IX as it has always been interpreted without fear that they will be left to fend for themselves if actions against them are threatened.”

The Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT), which Fowler heads, was formed in 2006 by a group of citizens concerned about the growing negative impact of public policies on marriage, families, life, and religious liberty. FACT’s mission is to equip Tennesseans and their elected officials to effectively promote and defend a culture that values God’s design for the family, for the sake of the common good. For more information, visit

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