Friday, May 13, 2016

How tall should Nashville grow?

Press release - A request for a modification for overall building height for property located at 151 1st Avenue South, 150 2nd Avenue South and 134 2nd Avenue South (1.75 acres), zoned DTC and within the SoBro subdistrict, to permit a 40-story mixed use development, where 15 stories is permitted by-right and 30 stories is the by-right bonus height maximum, requested by Second Avenue Partners LLC, applicant; Belle Meade Investments LLC and Market Street Apartments LTD, owner.
This hearing will be held during the regular Planning Commission meeting at 4 pm Thursday, May 26, in the Sonny West Conference Room at Metro's Howard Office Building, 700 Second Avenue South.
Community meeting and public hearing notice - overall height modification
Public hearing notice - community plan amendment

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