Wednesday, May 11, 2016

it looks like H. Allen Smith may be the best candidate for Metro Schools' top job

Teachers union officials in Nashville are echoing concerns raised elsewhere…
Teachers union officials in Nashville are echoing concerns
 raised elsewhere about one of the finalists for
 Metro Schools' top job.

Nashville schools search: Turnaround specialist H. Allen Smith draws union ire

....  Smith originally worked in Denver, where he garnered accolades for turning around struggling schools. He was principal at a school in Denver deemed one of the worst in the nation by a national news report. After Smith took over, scores and results rapidly started to improve....65 percent of the teachers at his high school were "let go" in his first year. A 2010 article in the Denver Post says he fired 40 teachers in the previous year. (link)

My Comment: We need someone who will stand up to the teachers union and not be afraid to get rid of teachers who are standing in the way of reform.  Turning around failing schools should be a priority. We need someone who will get the job done. I am afraid that when a candidate stresses a "collaborative approach," that, that is code for, "I want do anything too drastic and won't make the unions mad."

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