Friday, May 13, 2016

Mayor Barry Applauds Choice of Dr. Joseph as Director of Schools

Press Release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Mayor Megan Barry has released the following statement following the decision by Dr. Shawn Joseph to accept the position of Director of Metro Nashville Public Schools:
“Dr. Shawn Joseph is a truly inspired choice to lead our Metro Nashville Public Schools into the future. His commitment to equity and access is critical to ensuring that every child has access to a world-class public school, regardless of their zip code.

“I want to applaud the school board on their decision and for a process that was open and inclusive to the entire community, and thank all of the terrific candidates who have participated in this process. I especially want to thank School Board Chair Dr. Sharon Gentry for showing tremendous leadership throughout this process which has resulted in her successful negotiation of a contract for a highly-qualified candidate who will be Nashville’s first African-American Director of Schools. I would also like to thank Shannon Hunt with the Nashville Public Education Foundation for helping to bring so many community voices to the table and support the recruitment efforts.

“I look forward to working with Dr. Joseph over the coming years to ensure that he has the resources and support he needs to ensure successful outcomes for all of our students.”

Learn more about Dr. Shawn Joseph and the Director of Schools search 

My Comment: I was pulling for H. Allen Smith, but wish Dr. Joseph all the best. 

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