Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mayor Barry Releases Capital Spending Plan

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. –  Mayor Megan Barry has released the FY16-17 Capital Spending Plan to the Metro Council. The $475 million plan, which is funded through general obligation bonds, features significant investments in public education, transportation, and public safety.

“These additions to our city’s infrastructure represent an investment in Nashville’s future, through better public schools, safer streets, and quality of life improvements with new parks, soccer fields, and improved facilities at the Fairgrounds,” said Mayor Barry.

Mayor Barry is proposing $150 million in capital spending for Metro Nashville Public Schools, to include $105 million for building projects and $45 million for district-wide projects, which is the largest capital request for new projects for MNPS in recent memory. Projects include $40 million for renovations and additions at Hillsboro High School, $20.75 million for renovations to McMurray Middle School, $8.1 million to renovate Pennington Elementary, $6.9 million for additional classrooms at Antioch High School, $2.75 million for East Nashville Magnet School bleachers and concession stands, and $2.2 million for Glencliff High School track and concessions.

“I’ve often said that kids know how adults value them when they walk into school every morning and see the conditions of their classrooms,” said Mayor Barry. “By investing $150 million to improve our schools and bus infrastructure, we are telling kids that we care about them and their success by providing a high-quality learning environment in which they can thrive.”

Nearly $120 million has been allocated for transit and transportation infrastructure, including $35 million for street paving, $30 million for sidewalks, $24.5 million for roads and bridges, $20 million for MTA to fund bus replacements and an electronic fare system, and $10 million for traffic signalization improvements.

For Public Safety and Criminal Justice infrastructure Mayor Barry is proposing a capital investment of $82 million to include $28 million for the Police Administrative Headquarters at Murfreesboro Pike, $20 million to complete the CJC reconstruction downtown, $20 million to fund administrative offices for the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office at a location to be determined following community input, $10 million for new fire halls, $3 million for renovations at the Justice A.A. Birch Building, and $1 million for the Juvenile Justice Center Masterplan.

The spending plan also includes $12 million in funds to renovate and upgrade facilities at the Fairgrounds Nashville, the most significant investment in the Fairgrounds by Metro in many years. The renovations, which will have to be approved by the Board of Fair Commissioners and the Metro Council, will be based on the recommendations of a review team led by S. Keith Hargrove, Dean of the College of Engineering at Tennessee State University, and Larry Atema, president and CEO of Commonwealth Development Group.

“Five years ago, voters spoke loud and clear that they wanted to preserve the Fairgrounds for future generations,” said Mayor Barry. “This investment in the Fairgrounds will help to make the facilities more attractive for events and expos around the country, helping to boost the profitability and long-term viability of the Fairgrounds.”

Mayor Barry is proposing $38 million for Metro Parks, including $7 million for the new Smith Springs Community Center, $5 million for the Centennial Park master plan, renovations and improvements, $5 million for Greenways, and $6 million for new soccer fields, half of which is being proposed to create soccer fields on underutilized land at the Fairgrounds.

Additional expenditures include $6 million for a new Nashville Public Library branch in Donelson, $7 million for MDHA for infrastructure improvements around housing facilities, $5 million for equipment and upgrades at General Hospital, and $15 million for major fleet operations in General Services.

Projects in the Capital Spending Plan are represented in the Capital Improvements Budget, a seven-year planning document representing desired investments in infrastructure by the Mayor’s Office, Metro Council, and departments and agencies within Metro.

View the full capital spending plan

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