Saturday, May 21, 2016

Metro Nashville Mayor Megan Barry appoints first tranny to public position.

Metro Nashville mayor Megan Barry made history last week by appointed the first transgender

"women" to an official position in Metro Government. Barry appointed Marisa Richmond to the 17-member board of the Metro Human Relations Commission. That commission advocates on behalf of liberal causes, engages in political indoctrination  and bullies dissidents who are not on the bandwagon of politically correctness.

One of the things they do is normalize homosexuality among young people by sponsoring the youth pavilion at the Nashville Gay Pride Festival. The Metro Council confirmed Marisa Richmond unanimously.

Richmond is a history professor at Middle Tennessee State University and is a former president of the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition. She was also the first Black transgender person to be seated as a delegate for the Democratic National Convention in 2008 being the first openly transgender person to win an election in Tennessee.  She is also a former Davidson County Democratic Committeewoman. In June 2011, Richmond was invited to attend the White House LGBT Pride reception, where she met with President Obama and Vice-President Biden.

For more on this story and to see an interview with Richmond, follow this link. For more on Marisa Richmond see this.

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