Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Nashville Scene: State Republican Party's Internal Fracas Gets Ugly

By Cari Wade Gervin, The Nashville Scene, Wed, May 25, 2016 - Less than two weeks ago, the Tennessee Republican Party proudly proclaimed unity at its annual Statesmen's Dinner after a divisive primary season. ... .

Well, the party may have publicly rallied around Trump, but a vocal minority is now refusing to rally around Haynes. Following a letter by 27 House Republicans last month calling for the ouster of party political director Walker Ferrell, the Wilson County Republican Party adopted a resolution calling for a special meeting of the State Executive Committee (SEC) to consider firing Haynes, Ferrell and executive director Brent Leatherwood....

Party insiders say the tension between the more mainstream Republicans on the SEC and the more hardline right-wing ones dates back almost a decade, but it’s become much more divisive in recent years. ..... Hartline is not on the SEC, but he is one of the main people behind the push to oust Haynes over the hiring by the party of Ferrell's wife, Taylor. .... SEC member Jennifer Winfree writes: Jeff Hartline is violating the bylaws. He's a member of our county executive board,.... But Hartline has worked on at least 26 campaigns to defeat incumbents, says Gay, and attempted to run more. (link)

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