Monday, May 09, 2016

Shampooing Hair Without A License Could Mean Jail Time In Tennessee

Tammy Pritchard
by Nick Sibilla, Forbes, May 5, 2016 -  When Tammy Pritchard was a young mother, shampooing
hair provided much-needed income and even helped put her through college. Today, this part-time police officer wants to wash hair at a beauty salon operated by her friend in Tennessee.

Unfortunately for Tammy, unlicensed shampooing is a crime, punishable by up to six months in jail. Before she can legally wash hair at a salon, Tammy must finish 300 hours of training on “the practice and theory of shampooing.” In a course more fitting for Greendale Community College, prospective shampooers learn about the “chemistry and composition of shampoos and conditioners,”
“shampooing and rinsing foreign material from hair,” and “shop management,” which covers remedial skills like “answering phone, scheduling appointments, ordering supplies.” After completing the class, shampooers then have to pass two exams, one on “theory,” the other practical, to obtain their license.

One school that previously taught the course charged $3,225 for tuition, books, kit, uniform and other fees. (link)

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