Monday, May 23, 2016

UT disbands diversity office, eliminates four positions

By Megan Boehnke, Knoxville News Sentinel - The University of Tennessee has disbanded its Office for Diversity, including eliminating four staff positions and a $131,365 operating budget.

Image result for Christmas decorations
Safe for another year at UT
The $445,000 cut comes after Gov. Bill Haslam allowed a bill passed by the General Assembly that defunded the office to become law without his signature Friday.

The law, which reallocates the money to fund scholarships for minority students in engineering programs, is only in effect for one year. ... The university attorneys are still studying other provisions in the law, including whether the school can continue its annual Sex Week.....Chancellor Jimmy Cheek sent an email ... said he was "saddened" by the decision. (link)

My Comment: I am so proud of our State legislature for taking the action to defund the Office of Diversity.  At least for the next year, students will not feel pressured to use made up pronouns  "zir" and "Xan" and can safely use "he" and "her."  At least for this year, they can still have Christmas trees and serve eggnog at their Christmas parties. In fact, I don't think they will have to disguise their Christmas party as a winter holiday party.  At least for another year, Jesus, reindeer and Santa will be legal on the campus of the University of Tennessee.

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