Thursday, May 05, 2016

What happended at the Council meeting on 5/3/16: Not much.

To access my analysis of the meeting agenda, the agenda and the Council staff analysis, follow this link.

If you want a good understanding the issues before Metro Council you gain more insight by watching Budget and Finance Committee meetings than Council meetings.  This is a pretty boring meeting with not any really controversial items on the agenda.

Below is the video of the B&F committee meeting.

Below is the Council meeting:

Here is The Tennesseans report on the meetng:

Hillsboro Village is a step closer toward getting new apartments — and a little denser — after the Metro Council gave preliminary approval to plans for a 76-unit apartment development in the area. .... apartment project on property at Wedgewood and Belcourt avenues.... handful of residents bemoan the setbacks, size and scale and parking for the project.  Among them was former Councilwoman Betty Nixon...(link

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