Monday, May 23, 2016

Wilson GOP demand meeting to consider termination of Ryan Haynes as Chairman, Brent Leatherwood as Executive Director, and Walker Ferrell as Political Director

The Wilson County GOP Executive Committee has sent a letter to the State Executive Committed of the GOP demanding that the State Executive Committee call a special session to consider the immediate termination of Ryan Haynes as Chairman, Brent Leatherwood as Executive Director, Walker Ferrell as Political Director and to terminate all contracts with Taylor Ferrell.  Taylor Ferrell is the wife of Walker Ferrell.  She has a consulting contract with the State Party and also has her own consulting business and has entered into agreements with several clients seeking to challenge in the Republican primary several sitting Republican office holders. For more on this see this link. Below is the letter.

May 23, 2016

Via Email:

Tennessee State Republican Executive Committee
Tennessee Republican Party County Chairs

To All Who Hold Transparency and Fairness Dear:

Whereas, the task of the Tennessee Republican Party is to promote the National Republican Party Platform and assist Republican Candidates in defeating Democrats, and;

Whereas, the State Republican Party under the leadership of Ryan Haynes and Brent Leatherwood have approved contracts with Taylor Ferrell to provide services to the State GOP, and;

Whereas, Taylor Ferrell is married to Walker Ferrell, who serves as an employee of the State GOP as its Political Director, and;

Whereas, Taylor Ferrell had from time to time been officing at the State GOP headquarters answering calls and speaking on behalf of the State GOP, and;

Whereas, Taylor Ferrell had access to hallway talk inside the GOP Headquarters and, as a result of her marriage to the Political Director, access to all kinds of information about political campaigns and strategies, and had access to phone lists and fundraising lists, and;

Whereas, Taylor Ferrell offered her services as a Consultant and in fundraising to Republican candidates running against Elected Republicans Rep. Scott DesJarlais, Rep. Judd Matheny, and Rep. Courtney Rogers, and;

Whereas, Chairman Haynes and Director Leatherwood, when confronted with this blatant conflict of interest chose to do nothing to correct this injustice against Elected Republicans, and;

Whereas, the Wilson County Republican Party, in carrying out its duties as a non-participant in Primary Processes as an entity, is prohibited by the State GOP By-Laws from engaging in similar behavior;

Therefore, as the Executive Committee of the Wilson County Republican Party, we immediately demand that the State Executive Committee call a special session to consider the immediate termination of Ryan Haynes as Chairman, Brent Leatherwood as Executive Director, Walker Ferrell as Political Director and to terminate all contracts with Taylor Ferrell and to issue public apologies on behalf of the Tennessee Republican Party to all Republican Incumbents affected by their actions, and;

We further encourage every Republican Party County Executive Committee to demand similar actions on the part of the State Executive Committee.

Affirmed by a majority vote of the Wilson County Republican Party Executive Committee, May 2016.

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