Sunday, June 12, 2016

1st Tuesday meets Monday June 20th, Guest speaker Alberto Gonzales.

Alberto Gonzales
1ST TUESDAY Members and friends

If you've not already made plans to join us on MONDAY, June 20th for June's 1ST TUESDAY lunch event with former US Attorney General ALBERTO GONZALES, please do so !!!

You may know that Mr. Gonzales has stepped forward advocating Mr. Trump's questioning of Federal Judge in San Diego who is handling the Trump University civil case.

Many of you will have questions into how law enforcement is handling the Orlando tragedy, and what laws and limits are currently in force. 

Or.. how can a ''President Trump'' really prevent some from entering the US ? 
Could he truly deport those who have already been granted entry into the country ?

No question... a slew of intriguing and important questions abound .... and for us... the former US Attorney General will the right place at the Right time with the RIGHT group!

Secure your seats today by clicking on ''Join Us '' at 1st Tuesday Nashville and pass this on to those you know who will want to join us on MONDAY,  June 20th !! 

Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY  

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