Thursday, June 02, 2016

American Conservative Union Endorses Brian Kelsey

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Founded in 1964, the American Conservative Union is the nation’s original conservative organization.  For more than fifty years, ACU has served as an umbrella organization harnessing the collective strength of conservative organizations fighting for Americans who are concerned with liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and strong national defense.  As one of America's premier conservative voices, ACU promotes a conservative vision on issues before Congress, the Executive Branch, State Legislatures, the media, political candidates, and the public.
“Brian Kelsey led the successful fight in 2014 to pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting a state income tax and this year co-sponsored the bill in the State Senate to phase out the Hall Tax on interest and dividends,” said ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp.  “It is not surprising that Brian Kelsey and his colleagues helped Tennessee to win the ACU ‘We The People’ award as the most conservative legislature in the country for 2015.  Brian Kelsey will bring those leadership qualities to Congress. I urge all conservatives to vote for Brian Kelsey in the 8th District Republican Primary on August 4th.”

Sen. Kelsey said, “I am honored to receive this endorsement. The American Conservative Union has been the standard bearer for the conservative movement for over fifty years. This endorsement reinforces what voters are learning all across West Tennessee: that I am the only candidate in the race with a proven conservative record.”

Kelsey for Congress

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