Monday, June 27, 2016

Antioch neighbors oppose affordable housing development and property rights be damned!

This is what the proposed project would look like.
by Jen Todd, The Tennessean - Antioch residents are growing increasingly concerned about a proposed affordable housing apartment complex on Forest View Drive, citing overcrowded schools, traffic congestion and safety among many potential issues. ..... Councilwoman Karen Johnson has attempted to downsize the development to instead have single-family homes, saying the development would cause a concentration of low-income housing. ... Should they succeed, the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) board would reduce the number of low-income tax credits that could go to Nashville. ... THDA Executive Director Ralph Perrey have said downsizing the project would waste tax credits awarded for the property, causing fewer families access to affordable homes. (link)

My Comment. "I really want more affordable housing in Nashville, but don't put it in my backyard," say many Nashville political leaders.  "Also, we really don't care about property rights, we represent the concerns of our constituents."

"Tax credit" properties are not "projects."  If no one tells you, you would never know the funding to build the units included tax credits. They are not income-based but are priced to be affordable to people who may make a modest income. For more on this story see this link and this.

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