Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Columbia Tennessee resident, lawyer, NR writer David French may be independent conservative alternative to Trump

David French
ABC News  - A source involved in the effort to draft a third-party candidate tells ABC News that Iraq War veteran and constitutional lawyer David French has had serious discussions about agreeing to run. The news was first reported by Bloomberg.

The possibility of a breakout independent presidential candidate has followed the 2016 campaign since the beginning, when Donald Trump used the threat of separating from the Republican race as a way to win establishment support.

Prominent Republican Bill Kristol, who is the editor and founder of the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard, has been actively predicting another person will run.

In addition to his role as a staff writer at the National Review, French is an attorney with a concentration in constitutional law and the law of armed conflict, and a veteran of the Iraq war, according to his biography at the National Review. He currently lives and works in Columbia, Tennessee, according to his biography at the National Review. He did not immediately respond to request for comment from ABC News.

His wife, Nancy French, has worked as a ghostwriter for Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin.   (link)
David French, Proposed Conservative Alternative to Trump, Draws Tepid Response

David French, Proposed Conservative Alternative to Trump, Draws Tepid Response

The Wall Street Journal · 2 hours ago
Republican political donors and strategists seeking a conservative alternative to Donald Trump in the presidential race …

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