Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Grant Starrett is not going to birng up that stuff about Scott DeJarlais pressuring his misstress and his wife to have abortions.

Grant Starrett Pledges To Not Attack Personal Issues 
Challenges Scott DesJarlais to do the same 

Grant Starrett
Press release, (MURFREESBORO, Tenn.) – Today, Grant Starrett challenged Scott DesJarlais to join him in a pledge to the people of the 4th Congressional District of Tennessee that he will engage in a policy-centered campaign, not a campaign on personal attacks.

In a video posted to his official campaign Facebook account, Starrett stated:

“I've gone out of my way not to talk about Scott DesJarlais' personal life, instead I've highlighted our differences in vision, in policy, and how we'd approach the job of being a Congressman. And what I'm going to tell you today, is that is exactly what I'm going to continue to do. I'm going to talk about just that: our policy differences. I'm not going to attack Scott DesJarlais' personal life.

Now, make no mistake, we will have a vigorous debate over policy. I find Scott DesJarlais' record in Washington unacceptable. I'm going to continue to talk about the fact that Scott DesJarlais has voted for hundreds of millions of dollars in Obama's military cuts, he's voted for hundreds of billions of dollars in Obama's food stamps, and he continuously refuses to define when life begins. I know when Tennesseans know the real DesJarlais record, I will win this election.

And if DesJarlais feels that he has a record he can run on, he's welcome to join me in this battle of ideas, because that's exactly what he called for when he ran for reelection last time. His campaign said that they left 'The negative personal mudslinging to political opponents knowing that voters want to focus on issues, not personal attacks,' and that 'It is just the sort of disgusting gutter politics we'd expected from Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Washington.' That's exactly what Scott DesJarlais has called for.

"Look, ultimately, as Christians, our sins will be held accountable by God. As Americans, our politicians will be held accountable by the people. Let's make this election about how to help Tennessee families, not about how to attack each other's."

In 2014 and 2012 DesJarlais’s campaign decried personal attacks from his political opponents:

"DesJarlais spokesman Robert Jameson called the piece "just the sort of disgusting gutter politics we'd expected from [U.S. House Democratic leader] Nancy Pelosi and her allies in Washington."

"We have focused on his official work in Washington and Tennessee and left the negative personal mudslinging to political opponents knowing that voters want a focus on issues, not personal attacks," spokesman Robert Jameson told National Journal."

"He's chosen to engage in these same sort of gutter politics that Tennesseans have rejected in the last two elections."

"Desperate personal attacks do not solve our nation’s problems, yet it appears that there are those who choose to continue to engage in the same gutter politics that were characterized by national media as the nastiest in the nation just two years ago."

"They have once again resorted to pure character assassination."

My Comment:  I would like to see Scott Desjarlais defeated.  I think it matters even it you vote pro-life but pressure your pregnant  mistress to get an abortion. If you do, you are not a person of character and I think character matters.  This issue has been used against Scott Desjarlais before however and apparently his constituents do not care; they have elected him and reelected him.  I have heard chatter that the Desjarlais's campaign has sent out a hit piece of Grant Starrett.  I have not seen it and this is not confirmed and I do not know the context but have been told it was a nasty personal attack. If anyone has the piece please shoot a picture of it and mail it to me at

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