Thursday, June 02, 2016

Haslam says Trump’s attack on fellow GOP governor ‘not helpful'.

Image result for Haslam
Gov. Bill Haslam
By Richard Locker of The Commercial Appeal, Nashville - Gov. Bill Haslam said Wednesday he doesn't believe Donald Trump's harsh criticism last week of New Mexico's governor — Haslam's successor as chairman of the Republican Governors Association — is helpful to the candidate or the party.

 At a rally last week in Albuquerque, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee attacked GOP Gov. Susana Martinez in a speech, saying she "isn't doing the job," blaming her for the city's unemployment rate and apparently erroneously asserting that she was allowing Syrian refugees to settle in New Mexico.

Martinez, the highest elected Hispanic woman in the country, has criticized Trump's campaign rhetoric over the last several months, had endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio before his withdrawal from the presidential race, has not endorsed Trump and did not attend the rally.

Although fellow Republican governors rushed to her defense, Trump's top campaign aide, Corey Lewandowski, repeated his boss's criticisms of Martinez in an exchange on Fox News Sunday. "The governor is not doing the job," he said. "We stand by our statement."

Asked about the Trump attack on Martinez on Wednesday, Haslam said: "At the end of the day, I don't think that's helpful. I think you have a lot of Republican governors who would like to see the next president be Republican and we want to help. (link)

My Comment: "Not helpful," indeed! What is wrong with Donald Trump?  It is hard enough to attract Hispanics to the Republican Party without insulting the highest ranking Hispanic female elected official in the nation. We need some of the Hispanic vote this election to win the White House and hold the Senate, but long-term the future is very bleak if things do not change.  By 2040, America will be a majority minority country. We cannot grow the Party by needlessly insulting the few Hispanics who are already Republican. 

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