Tuesday, June 28, 2016

NOAH to host school board candidate forum tonight.

NOAH is hosting a a candidates forum tonight for District 5 school board candidates and other forums for District 7 and 9 to follow.

NOAH describes itself like this: "A faith led coalition that is multi-racial and interdenominational comprised of congregations, community organizations, and labor unions that work to give voice to traditionally marginalized people. NOAH engages ordinary people in the political and economic decisions affecting their lives, acting as a unified voice for the faith and justice community to act on its values in the public arena."

I would normally not expect candidates who are not in the pocket of unions to not get a fair hearing at a NOAH forum.  NOAH would be predisposed to support the candidates who support unions.  Member organizations of NOAH include the teachers union (MNEA), and SEIU Local 205, as well as several other unions. Organized labor has been a stumbling block to education reform. Having said that however, their is a fissure in the left of center spectrum especially in the Black community when it comes to education. Many African-Americans and white progressives have warmed to the idea of school choice and are sick of bad schools.  There are numerous examples of charter schools producing college-bound graduates instead of prison-bound dropouts. So, while NOAH may be predisposed to support opposition to education reform, the message of rejecting the status quo and striving to have a good school for every child regardless of the zip code may resonate with many of those who attend a NOAH event.

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