Thursday, June 23, 2016

Rep. Curry Todd Taking Per Diem Money While Living Free From Lobbyist

Press release, COLLIERVILLE, TN Having recently been voted overall worst Legislator in Tennessee for 2016, Curry Todd has been exposed for an incredible double-dealing in regard to his reimbursed expenses from taxpayers.  Each lawmaker who lives more than 50 miles from the Capitol is allowed to collect a per diem for reimbursement of lodging and meals. 

For Shelby County lawmakers, these reimbursements are totally legitimate due to the distance involved.  However, State Representative Curry Todd has been collecting these reimbursements and, at the same time, being given a free room thanks to Lobbyist Chuck Welch.  During this same time, Todd was working the bills Welch was paid by his clients to get passed.

“I’m pleased to see that I am not the only person in Tennessee troubled by this kind of behavior,” said Mark Lovell, Todd’s August 4 conservative Republican challenger.  “Not only should lawmakers be vigilant in keeping their distance from financial involvement with Lobbyists, but they should be making sure there is not even the appearance of this kind of double-dipping.”

TN Forum, the watchdog group that awarded Todd their “2016 Worst Legislator of the Year” went on to expose Todd’s lack of aggressive sponsorship of legislation directly affecting his district.

Lovell continued, “My opponent has been up there too long.  He has forgotten whom he represents.  I can understand that since he actually lives in Nashville and only comes home to campaign for re-election.  Shelby County voters are smarter than that.  I am a private businessman who gets things done.  I don’t need a job, but I want to go serve my neighbors in a way that is sorely needed.”

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