Thursday, June 02, 2016

Scott DesJarlais Spends More Taxpayer Dollars Than Any Other Republican Member of Congress in Q1 2016

More than quadruple the amount of all other 8 TN Congressmen combined; 2nd of all voting Members of Congress, only trailing a Democrat defeated in an April election, indicted and standing trial on 29 racketeering charges

Press Release, (MURFREESBORO, Tenn.) – An investigation by the Knoxville News Sentinel just posted, detailing how Scott DesJarlais spent more money on taxpayer-funded communications than any other Republican Member of Congress in the country for the first quarter of 2016, totaling nearly $67,000. Compared to the same time period in 2015, he spent a fraction of that amount--$5,600.

Also, astonishingly, DesJarlais spent more than every other member of Congress from the State of Tennessee combined during Q1 2016. In fact, DesJarlais spent more than quadruple the amount of all other Tennessee Members combined.

In an abuse of power, ever since Grant Starrett entered the race, Scott DesJarlais has dramatically increased his taxpayer-funded spending. Ironically, DesJarlais is spending the taxpayer's money to defend his votes to misspend taxpayer money on things like $700 billion in Food Stamps.

Read the article here:
"Scott DesJarlais, In Re-Election Battle, Ramps Up Spending On Taxpayer-Funded Communications"

DesJarlais comes in 2nd of all voting Members of Congress only to Democrat Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania, who is at the moment of this writing standing in a federal courthouse trial for 29 racketeering charges including "a wide-ranging conspiracy involving bribery, concealment of unlawful campaign contributions and theft of charitable and federal funds to advance their own personal interests" according to the Assistant Attorney General. Fattah was also defeated last month in his Democratic primary.

Here are the Mass Communications disbursements with taxpayer dollars for TN Members of Congress from January 1 - March 31, 2016:

1. Scott DesJarlais - $66,639.50
2. Diane Black $5,432.80
3. Steve Cohen $2,890.96
4. Phil Roe $2,743.90
5. Marsha Blackburn $2,600.00
6. Chuck Fleischmann $2,021
7. Jimmy Duncan $0
8. Jim Cooper $0
9. Stephen Fincher $0

Statement from Tommy Schultz, Campaign Manager for Grant Starrett for Congress:

"In an abuse of power, Scott DesJarlais is clearly spending Tennesseans' hard-earned taxdollars to fund his re-election campaign, plain and simple. No other Tennessee member, Republican or Democrat, is spending taxpayer dollars like DesJarlais is. DesJarlais is scared that Grant Starrett's campaign is knocking on thousands of doors each day, exposing DesJarlais' bad votes in DC from the past six years. So now DesJarlais is pumping our taxdollars into a re-election campaign. DesJarlais spent more than every single other Republican Member of Congress and was only beat out by 2 Democrats -- one named Chaka Fattah from Pennsylvania who is on trial for racketeering charges for using federal tax dollars inappropriately, and the other is Pedro Pierluisi, the non-voting commissioner from Puerto Rico. DesJarlais has clearly abused the power and responsibility of the people's seat, a common sickness that grows on too many of the political class in DC."


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