Monday, June 27, 2016

State Loses Hearing, Shampoo Case Will Move Forward

Press release, NASHVILLE – In a major decision, the Beacon Center's lawsuit against the state of

Tammy Pritchard fights for right to earn
to earn a living washing hair

Tennessee's shampooing law will move forward. Last month, Beacon sued the Board of Cosmetology for its law requiring a license to wash hair. The state tried to get the case dismissed, saying there are "public safety issues" and that "favoring certain groups on economic grounds" is just politics, but the judge disagreed.

In denying the state's request to throw out the suit, Chancellor Carol McCoy stated that she has never heard of any safety issues with shampooing. She went on to note that our client deserves to have her day in court.

Beacon's client Tammy Pritchard was ecstatic. She exclaimed, "Down in my soul, I am so happy. I am truly overwhelmed at this ruling."

Beacon Director of Litigation Braden Boucek added, "I am very pleased with this result, it is a great day for freedom in Tennessee. We are one step closer to restoring the constitutional right to earn a living for Tennesseans like Tammy."

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