Friday, June 24, 2016

Supreme Court Affirms Rule of Law; Separation of Powers in DAPA Ruling

Press release, Nashville, Tennessee - The Supreme Court of the United States handed down President Barack Obama a major defeat by deadlocking on the United States v Texas, No. 15-674, a case concerning the legality of an executive action allowing more than 5 million undocumented immigrants to remain in this country without living in the fear of deportation.

Raul Lopez, Executive Director of Latinos for Tennessee, a non-partisan organization committed to defending faith, family, liberty and fiscal responsibility issued the following statement after the Supreme Court ruling.

"Immigrant families in Tennessee need to know that had President Barack Obama worked with Congress, millions of families and young adults would not be concerned about their future. But because the president chose to act unilaterally ignoring the constitutional prerogative that law making rests with Congress, and not the executive branch, immigrant families are searching for answers and looking for hope," said Lopez.

Lopez went on to add:

"Today's ruling was an important victory for the rule of law and the separation of powers. We are committed to supporting immigration and our state's immigrant community, but not at the expense of our U.S. Constitution."

For more information on Latinos for Tennessee, please visit:

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