Monday, June 27, 2016

TNGOP Response to "Whole Women's Health" SCOTUS Decision

NASHVILLE, Tenn.-June 27, 2016—In a 5-3 decision, the United States Supreme Court today found
women’s health provisions passed in Texas were unconstitutional. The case was Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.

Two provisions of the Texas law were challenged: admitting privileges for doctors and surgical standards. Media outlets have reported the decision may have an impact on similar laws here in Tennessee. Reaction from pro-life advocates and conservative voices was swift.

State Senator Becky Duncan Massey (R—Knoxville) remarked, "Women's health should not be a political football. Today's decision undermines several initiatives to ensure women and their safety are prioritized. We will recommit to ensuring Tennessee stays on the path of valuing life, health, and safety."

State Representative Susan Lynn (R—Mt. Juliet) stated, "Today's Supreme Court decision is a disappointing moment for women's health in Tennessee. Once again, the Court has found a way to circumvent the will of the people. I am firmly committed to making sure that life is protected and that women are not put into risky medical situations. That's what we will continue working toward in the General Assembly."

Tennessee Republican Party National Committeewoman Peggy Lambert said, "It is not a mistake that life is the first inalienable right. This dangerous decision puts women at risk and ensures that more innocent lives will be taken. As a Party, we are committed to advancing proposals that value the essential human right to life and fighting back against an industry that values profit over safety."

In response to the decision, the TNGOP launched a pro-life petition to rally Tennesseans around the causes of women’s health and the protection of life. The petition may be found at:

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