Friday, July 01, 2016

Beacon Center Urges Caution on Healthcare Task Force Proposal

Press release, NASHVILLE – Today, Speaker Beth Harwell's organized healthcare task force, the "3 Start Healthy Project," ​ released a tentative outline of their ​ plan to expand government healthcare in Tennessee​. While the Beacon Center has committed to working with task force members on exploring market-based, innovative solutions to improve access and quality of care, they remain cautious of the proposed plan.

Beacon Policy Director Lindsay Boyd​,​ who testified against ​Gov. Haslam's ​ Medicaid expansion​ proposal​ ​during the 2015 legisl​ative session reacted by stating, "The Beacon Center has ​serious reservations about the ​ direction​ and shape​ this proposal ​may take . ​Because it is incomplete in regard to the details needed to assess the sustainability, flexibility, and socio-economic impact of such a program, we must withhold judgement ​as we​ continue to​ meet​ and discuss these plans​ ​in greater depth ​ with members of the task force​."​

Boyd went on to note, "The Beacon Center ​remains consistent in our opposition to ​ ​ ​ ​an expansion of Medicaid​​ under the Affordable Care Act, ​ and ​will not support efforts that may jeopardize the state's autonomy, economy, and access to care for those most vulnerable patients already enrolled in the state's already crowded Medicaid program."

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