Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Blackburn asks for federal investigation of Clinton Foundation

By Michael Collins of The Commercial Appeal WASHINGTON — Rep. Marsha Blackburn is asking the FBI and other federal agencies to open a "public corruption" investigation into the activities of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

In a letter she is circulating to other House members, the Brentwood Republican says media reports have raised significant questions about the foundation's practices and their intersection with American foreign policy.

Blackburn sent letters to the IRS and the Federal Trade Commission earlier this year asking them to investigate the foundation's activities. Her office said Wednesday that at least 40 House members have signed the new letter. Appearing before a congressional committee last week, Comey declined to say whether the FBI looked into the Clinton Foundation's activities as part of its investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails.

"I'm not going to comment on the existence or non-existence of any other investigations," Comey said in response to a question from Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.(link)

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