Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Charles Sargent Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

NFIB Press release, June 30,2016 - The Tennessee office of the National Federation of Independent Business, the state's leading small-business association, has presented its coveted Guardian of Small Business Award to state Rep. Charles Sargent. NFIB made the presentation this afternoon at Elliott Davis Decosimo, an NFIB member in Brentwood.

Rep. Charles Sargent
The Guardian of Small Business award is the most prestigious honor that NFIB bestows on legislators in recognition of their efforts to support small business issues. The NFIB Tennessee Leadership Council, an advisory board comprised of NFIB members, voted to present the award to the legislator for supporting small-business issues in the 109th Tennessee General Assembly (2015-2016).

Jim Brown, state director of NFIB, said, “Charles Sargent is an exceptionally strong supporter of NFIB on a variety of issues. Most notably, he sponsored legislation to repeal the state’s inheritance and gift taxes, as well as a reform bill that provides a more flexible, less punitive reporting method for businesses that pay our franchise & excise tax. Representative Sargent once again scored a perfect 100 percent voting record with NFIB and continues to support legislation that promotes a stable business environment for free enterprise.”

“Tennesseans are fortunate to have leaders like Charles Sargent representing them in our legislature,” Brown said. “On behalf of all small businesses in Tennessee, NFIB wants to thank Representative Sargent for everything he’s done for our state’s entrepreneurs.”

Sargent, who chairs the House Finance Ways & Means Committee and serves on the Insurance & Banking Committee, is a longtime NFIB member from Franklin.

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