Saturday, July 02, 2016

Mark Winslow resigns his seat on the Republican Party State Executive Committee.

Mark Winslow
I am pleased to see that Mark Winslow has finally done the honorable thing and resigned his seat on the Republican Party State Executive Committee. Working as a paid campaign manager for Democrats while supposed to be serving to help Republican get elected to office was an obvious conflict of interest.

In 2014 Winslow worked for, SmithWaterhouse, a firm that manages political campaigns and lobbies.  As an employee of SmithWatershouse, Winslow managed the campaign of Democrat Mellissa Blackburn who successfully ran  for Davidson County Judge, Division II. Her Republican opponent was Marian Fodyce, a well-qualified candidate.  After Blackburn's victory, Winslow went to work for her.  He continued to serve on the State Republican Party SEC. An honorable person would have either refused to manage the campaign of a Democrat or would have resigned his position with the Party.   

As a member of the State Executive Committee of the Republican Party, he served as a voting member of the Davidson County Republican Party Executive Committee. As such, he had access to Republican polling data and strategy and a vote on how much and when to provide funding to Republican candidates. Winslow voted against providing funding to Blackburn's Republican opponent Marian Fodyce.

In April of 2014, when candidates for office were getting on the ballot, Winslow's candidacy for a seat on the SEC was challenged on the grounds that he was not a bonafide Republican based of his working to elect Blackburn described above.  Unfortunately, Chris Devaney, Chairman of the Party at that time, refused to uphold the challenge. 

For more on Winslow see this post:
Personal attacks, tempers flare at Nashville GOP meeting over Mark Winslow's conflict of interest.

Mark Winslow, member of the Republican Party SEC, is still working for Democrat Judge-elect Melissa Blackburn. 

 Mark Winslow is still working to elect Democrats to public office. 

 Judge Rejects Mark Winslow's Defamation Case Against Rep. Fleischmann and Chip Saltsman

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