Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Nashville judge throws out fairgrounds gun show lawsuit

The Tennessean - Davidson County Chancellor Carol McCoy, in a ruling from the bench, granted Metro’s motion to dismiss the case and denied the motion of plaintiff David Goodman of Bill Goodman’s Gun and Knife Shows for injunctive relief. Goodman had requested that the court order the Metro fair board to block off weekends next year when gun shows at the fairgrounds had previously been scheduled. ... McCoy said that Goodman does not face immediate and irreparable harm to warrant an injunction and also lacked standing to bring the lawsuit .... “I cannot find that there is a right to contract with Metro,” McCoy said. (link)

My Comment: While my sympathies are with Goodman, I am not surprised or outraged by this ruling.  I am not a lawyer but I thought the Goodman argument was weak from the very beginning.

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