Monday, July 25, 2016

Teacher's union mails deceitful campaign piece

Deceitful mailer from MNEA
The Metro Nashville Education Association has mailed a campaign piece endorsing Christiane Buggs with the message, "Let's keep progress going by re-electing Christiane Buggs."

The problems is that Christiane Buggs is not an incumbent.  Unfortunately, some low information voters will cast a vote for an incumbent, thinking that if they are already holding the office they are the most qualified to hold the office.  MNEA has issued an apology but is not going to mail a correction to all of those who got the deceitful mail piece. Maybe MNEA was not purposely deceitful, maybe they were just stupid. They said the mailer language was a mistake. If it was a mistake, then MNEA is too uninformed or stupid to have their endorsements taken seriously.

The best candidate for School Board in District 5 is Miranda Christy.

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