Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Diane Black for Re-Election

 Group cites "unparalleled record of leadership on Right to Life priorities"

Diane Black
Press release, Nashville, July 13, 2016-- The state's oldest and largest pro-life organization is encouraging pro-life voters to again cast their ballots for U.S. Congressman Diane Black based on her long record of leading efforts to protect unborn children and abortion-vulnerable women and girls. 

"Pro-life Tennesseans are extraordinarily grateful to have one of our own leading the Congressional fight for life," said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life. "For more than a decade Diane Black has prioritized the protection of human life and has been an effective champion for the cause of unborn children in our communities, state, and nation."

While in the Tennessee Legislature, Diane Black led the fight to place pro-life Amendment 1 on the statewide ballot for public approval.  In addition, Black sponsored legislation making Tennessee the first state legislature to prevent abortion from being funded within state health exchanges following federal passage of the Affordable Care Act. Black also spearheaded successful efforts to re-direct state health dollars to ethical health providers and away from abortion facilities operated by Planned Parenthood in Tennessee.

In Congress, Black has continued to lead Right to Life efforts by sponsoring legislation passed by the House to re-direct federal funds away from Planned Parenthood, to protect conscience rights of medical professionals and to strengthen adoption tax law to make the process more affordable. 

"Diane Black has clearly demonstrated herself as one of this nation's most effective voices for the protection of life," Harris said.  "Tennessee Right to Life strongly urges her re-election to continue the work of defending the weakest and most vulnerable among us."  For more information, visit

Early voting runs July 15 - July 30 and primary election day is Thursday, August 4.

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