Tuesday, July 05, 2016

TNGOP Statement on FBI's Investigation of Clinton's Secret Server

TN GOP, NASHVILLE, Tenn., July 5, 2016 - The Tennessee Republican Party released the following statement from Chairman Ryan Haynes regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation's criminal inquiry into Hillary Clinton's secret server: 

Today's FBI findings are nothing short of a disaster for Hillary Clinton. This announcement was a damning indictment on Clinton's character, integrity, and her use of a secret email server. We now know that Hillary Clinton has repeatedly made false and misleading statements about sending and receiving classified materials. Director Comey's comments clearly reveal a pattern of criminal behavior with Clinton. Given this, and the fact the status of her security clearance is now in question, how can Hillary Clinton be president? While the FBI may not be bringing charges, I am confident that American voters will render a much different verdict this November.

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