Sunday, July 31, 2016

Will Pinkston is a bully!

by Jason Gonzales, The Tennessean, July 31, 2016 - Abrasive social media messages, email and in-person interactions with Metro Nashville Public Schools board member Will Pinkston created a hostile work environment that made employees fearful of losing their jobs, a number of former and current workers have alleged.

...  Alan Coverstone, said Pinkston “threatened me saying I had better watch myself, and eventually saying that I had better barricade myself in the office because he would come up there and get me.” ... former Metro Schools Superintendent Jesse Register, who retired in good standing in 2015: “If you disagree, you become (Pinkston's) adversary.” .....Register said district staff complained to him about emails and voicemails from Pinkston, as well as face-to-face confrontations....  “He called me other times when he was enraged about something and called me incompetent, manipulative, or a liar,” Coverstone said.

 Vesia Hawkins, a former district employee and board administrator, said she felt singled out by Pinkston after she began working for David Fox’s mayoral campaign in 2014. She said she asked to be re-assigned to another job because Pinkston frequently told others the administrators were “incompetent.” (link)

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