Monday, August 08, 2016

CONVICTED: Democrat Joe Armstrong Found Guilty of a Felony

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.-August 8, 2016—With the news that Democratic Representative Joe Armstrong has been convicted of a felony for falsifying his tax returns, the Tennessee Republican Party released the following statement from the Executive Director of the Party, Brent Leatherwood, about the matter:
"Today's conviction of Representative Armstrong continues the unfortunate legacy of Tennessee Democrats serving in the jailhouse rather than the State House. Armstrong now joins the other infamous members of the Tennessee Democrat hall of shame like Ray Blanton and John Ford. Voters want to have confidence in their elected officials and the actions of Armstrong—and liberals like Knox County Democratic nominee Gloria Johnson who give their unflinching support to him—have shaken that sacred trust.
In previous statements, the TNGOP has referred to the Democratic Party as “corrupt to the core” citing Armstrong’s indictment as proof of that claim.

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