Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Donald Trump Kicks Baby ouf of Rally. Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?

Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?

Opinion writer, Washington Post, During the primary season, as Donald Trump’s bizarre outbursts helped him crush the competition, I thought he was being crazy like a fox. Now I am increasingly convinced that he’s just plain crazy.
I’m serious about that. Leave aside for the moment Trump’s policies, which in my opinion range from the unconstitutional to the un-American to the potentially catastrophic. At this point, it would be irresponsible to ignore the fact that Trump’s grasp on reality appears to be tenuous at best.
Begin with the fact that he lies the way other people breathe. Telling a self-serving lie — no matter how transparent, no matter how easily disproved — seems to be a reflex for him. Look at the things he has said in just the past week.

Trump Just Sent A WARNING To Paul Ryan: START PACKING!!
The Political Insider - The GOP establishment has jumped onto the Trump Train, but the Donald is showing that it isn’t enough to just endorse him – you have to endorse everything he does too!
And if you dare disobey the Donald like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has over many different issues, then Trump is showing that he’s not messing around:
If you don’t know what it means, Paul Nehlen is the primary challenger to House Speaker Ryan – for Trump to give a shout out to him is VERY bad news for the GOP establishment.
Trump has already said he’s going to support SuperPACs that target John Kasich and Ted Cruz for their disobedience. What is he going to do to help Nehlen take down Paul Ryan?  

Politico -  “Meg Whitman, a Hewlett Packard executive and Republican fund-raiser, said Tuesday that she would support Hillary Clinton for president and give a ‘substantial’ contribution to her campaign in order to stop Donald J. Trump, whom she berated as a threat to American democracy … She revealed that Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee, had reached out to her in a phone call about a month ago ...Ms. Whitman, who said she would remain a Republican, brings with her a considerable network of contributors, some of whom she said were open to giving to Mrs. Clinton. She said she was willing to campaign for Mrs. Clinton, said she would do her best to gather checks for her campaign and indicated she would personally give to both Mrs. Clinton and her affiliated ‘super PACs.’ An aide to Ms. Whitman said she would personally give at least an amount in the ‘mid-six figures’ to the Clinton effort.” Other GOP defections: Retiring GOP Rep. Richard Hanna, former top Jeb Bush aide Sally Bradshaw, former Chris Christie spokesman Maria Comella.

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