Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ketron: Voter fraud compromises the electoral process

Sen. Bill Ketron
by Tenn. Sen. Bill Ketron, The Tennessean Op-ed, Aug. 23, 2016 - In 2005, I sat in a Memphis courtroom with many of my Senate colleagues to hear a case of voter fraud regarding the election of Ophelia Ford to the 29th senatorial district of Tennessee.  .... The returns indicated that Ford won the election by only 13 votes over opponent Terry Roland out of the 8,653 cast for the Democrat and Republican candidates. ...investigation that showed voting by felons and nonresidents of the district, as well as ballots cast by dead voters. ... I was astounded that this kind of fraud existed and took action to put measures into place to protect the integrity of Tennessee’s elections by introducing and passing a voter ID (identification) law. ....

Voting, however, should be conducted according to our laws and our Constitution so that is not compromised by those who would cheat and suppress the vote of another. (link)

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